This panel of CX and Contact Centre experts will delve into how each of them are redefining the way they recruit for their contact centres. With many industries working from home, recruiting the right person through the right platforms remains critical for the future of the contact centre.
Learn new ways to build resilience capabilities and emotional fitness testing to improve the hiring process in our present online environment. It is through this leaders can identify the risk factors behind each new starter for ongoing training support.
· Employing new strategies within your contact centre to hire and retain the right agents
· Improving attrition rates through effective cost and business planning
· Determining new hiring and cultural strategies to attract millennials
· Training all members of your team to use cloud-based technology to ensure all tasks are completed and catalogued efficiently
· Monitoring agent productivity off-site in order to train and develop your teams from remote environments
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Glenn.
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