Brian Cantor

Principal Analyst & Director CCW Digital

Day 1: Tuesday, October 24th

12:00 PM The Analyst Review: Building a Checklist for the Contact Center of 2030

In the past, CX leaders spoke about trends in 5-10 year spans. Considering the future of the contact center meant looking far ahead. Now, with the introduction of new technology like generative AI, organizations are now reassessing their plans for the imminent future. 

Tech trends have accelerated our view of the future and the contact center of 2030 will likely look very different than we may have thought. To prepare for this future, CCW Digital Analysts Brian Cantor and Brooke Lynch are unpacking some of the key strategies and necessities for long term success. 

Sharing research from their latest Market Study, the CCW Digital team will be sharing their checklist for the contact center of the future. With insight on the greatest challenges, pain points and strategies leaders are focusing on, attendees will gain an inside look at the makings of a modern contact center.

Join us to learn more about:

  • Industry research on the top priorities of contact center leaders
  • Insight on key challenges that organizations are facing today
  • Tips for implementing the most impactful solutions