Day 4: Thursday, July 27th

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Implementing Productive Personalization: Small Changes that Move the Needle

Cody Wales - Global Customer Experience Strategist and LinkedIn Author, Service Design

In 2023, it’s the small moments that matter. Customers are used to generic emails and repetitive questions, so brands that work to overcome even the tiniest of obstacles stand out in the crowded CX space.

Productive personalization means that customers leave every interaction with a great experience because the organization paid attention to details. Ensuring a connected experience that predicts customer needs and proactively addresses their issues will go a long way with customers.

Join us as we break down the new rules of personalization. By making small changes and prioritizing customer needs at all costs, companies can move the needle and implement effective change.

We will discuss:

  • Examples of effective and deliberate personalization
  • Strategies for implementing more relevant personalization
  • Challenges preventing organizations from personalizing interactions

Cody Wales

Global Customer Experience Strategist and LinkedIn Author
Service Design