Jaysa Boyer

Head, Employer Engagement Ultimate Medical Academy

Day 1 | Wednesday, November 1

2:45 PM Interactive Workshop | Navigating Modes of Communication for Enhanced Employee Engagement

In a world of virtual connections, where communication is essential but often overwhelming, how can we harness the power of engagement to create meaningful interactions that resonate with every member of your team? How can we align modes of communication with employee engagement for enhanced productivity and satisfaction? Join us for an immersive experience that blends thought-provoking insights, interactive discussions, and actionable takeaways.

Key Takeaways:

- Uncover strategies to ensure agent participation and contribution during meetings

- Explore tools to empower agents in their professional development journey, enabling them to learn and grow proactively

- Embrace the practice of mindfulness in engagement to create a conducive environment for comprehension, and active listening

Day 3 | Friday, November 3

11:30 AM Executive Roundtable | Preparing for Tomorrow's Customer: A Collaborative Blueprint for the Future

As the CCW Exchange comes to a close, it's not just about reflecting on what we've learned but anticipating and preparing for the future. With an ever-changing customer contact landscape, we must remain proactive, innovative, and adaptable. This session will provide a dynamic and interactive platform for executives to exchange insights, tackle pressing topics, and collaboratively envision the future of customer contact.

Key Takeaways:

- Engage in a collaborative discussion about actionable steps and strategies

- Participants will be prompted to reflect on their "aha" moments from the week: "What are the two most impactful takeaways you're bringing back to your team?"

- Participants will be encouraged to share what resonated with them most and what strategies or insights they'll be implementing upon returning to their organizations

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jaysa.

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