Michael DeJager

Principal Analyst and Managing Director, Events Customer Management Practice

Day 2 | Thursday, November, 2

9:00 AM FIRESIDE CHAT | From Acquisition to Integration: Cultivating Culture & Tech in Call Centers

Mergers and acquisitions are never just about integrating systems — they're about weaving together cultures, mindsets, and technologies to form a coherent whole. In the realm of call centers, where the pace of change is swift, this integration is particularly intricate. Join us for a candid conversation with James Walterick, SVP of Call Center Operations at Gallagher as we explore the nuances of integrating diverse call centers post-acquisition, both from a tech and a cultural perspective.

Key Takeaways:

- Gain insights into managing the fine balance between legacy systems and cutting-edge tech

- Address generational divides in technology adoption and ensuring that every member of the team is equipped for the future

- Learn strategies to ensure a smooth transition, optimum agent performance, and consistent customer experience across the board

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Michael.

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