Sunzay Passari

Sr Director & Head - Digital Innovation UPS

DAY 2 | Thursday, May 16

9:00 AM PANEL + QA: "Building a Longitudinal Customer Journey with Technology: From First Interaction to Lifelong Loyalty"

In the age of technology, creating a comprehensive and dynamic longitudinal customer journey has never been more crucial for business success. This talk explores the art of building a customer journey that spans from the initial touchpoint to lifelong loyalty, leveraging cutting-edge technology. Discover how to map, analyze, and optimize customer interactions at every stage, from awareness to advocacy. Explore the role of AI, automation, and analytics in crafting a seamless and personalized journey. Join us as we unveil the power of technology in crafting experiences that leave a lasting impact and foster unwavering customer loyalty.

3:45 PM PANEL + QA "Elevating Customer Contact: Strategies for Improvement and Personalization"

In an age of heightened customer expectations, delivering personalized and meaningful interactions is essential for building lasting relationships. This talk delves into the art of improving and personalizing customer contact, offering actionable strategies and insights to create memorable customer experiences. Explore the power of data-driven personalization, omni-channel engagement, and AI-driven recommendations. Learn how to harness these techniques to exceed customer expectations, boost loyalty, and drive business success. Join us as we unlock the keys to enhancing customer contact in the digital age.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Sunzay.

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