Genesys Webinar: Striking the Right Balance Between Customer Service and Contact Center TCO
Customers today have changed. They research differently, they buy differently, and they are trying to interact with your business differently. They expect customer service across all channels - web, social media and smart phones. However, one thing has remained paramount; customer experience has a significant impact on the company’s bottom line.
So how do you keep up with the changing environment, the latest consumer and IT technologies? How do you provide a single view of the customer to your customer service agents? How can you reduce contact center TCO?
Our two experts have the answers, and instead of adhering to the "presentation followed by Q&A" format, these industry standouts will participate in a panel discussion and address hard-hitting questions of direct relevance to the success of your business. You cannot afford to miss this roundtable--register now!
Discussion topics include:
- How to adapt your contact center in the face of shifting consumer trends
- Why IT and Business working together leads to dramatically improved success
- How improved agent satisfaction delivers improved customer satisfaction