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Interview with Linda Ireland Author of How Customer Experience Can Tip Everything In Your Business

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Blake Landau
Blake Landau

Congratulations! You have just been elected CEO by the board of directors of your company. Now you need to go into the next room to present to all of your stakeholders, some of your competitors, some of your shareholders, and a group of people who live in the community do business in the area that you represent. Your audience wants to know the purpose of your business, in other words why is the world a better place because your organization is in it.

This is the scenario Linda Ireland this podcast interview to address the important issue of customer experience and why most CEOs don’t get it. Like a line of falling dominos, daily actions across your organization form a sequence of events that, if aligned correctly, build momentum and culminate in what every business wants-outstanding financial performance. Establishing a target customer experience-your front domino—to drive daily decisions within your organization will determine the fluidity of that chain of events and the level of profit outcome you achieve.

Customer experience is one of the most crucial factors in differentiating your brand and your product and service offerings. Linda Ireland in her new book Domino: How Customer Experience Can Tip Everything in Your Business Toward Better Financial Performance shows you how to drive behaviors in your organization to increase revenue and bottom line results. Customer experience drives better financial returns. Although business leaders know this intuitively, few understand how to translate target experience requirements into the actions that generate those returns. Ireland in this podcast defines what customer experience is and empowers viewers by providing tools, questions, and peer examples to unpack customer experience. Hear the path to realizing the financial performance reward of a clearly defined and well understood customer experience in this podcast interview.

Check out Ireland's book review on Customer Managment IQ here.