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Interview with U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-LA) on the State of the Teleservices Industry

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Senator David Vitter keynoted the American Teleservices Association’s National Convention in New Orleans last week. Vitter is a sitting member of the U.S. Senator Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Insurance. He also sits on the small business and entrepreneurship Senate Committee. Because of this, Vitter is familiar with the business development that contact centers facilitate around the country employing millions of Americans.

In this podcast Vitter addresses issues of regulation and compliance affecting inbound and outbound call centers. Vitter works on the Small Business Committee to reform regulations and enact programs to help small businesses comply with the rules, including contact centers. Vitter believes the teleservices industry can regulate itself without what he sees as excessive involvement from the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.

In this podcast interview you will also hear Senator Vitter's position on TARP and his predictions for regulation in the teleservices community, as well as his goals for New Orleans in the next year.


Find out what will implicate the teleservices community and what is on the horizon regarding regulation and compliance for the teleservices industry and its partners.