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Four Megatrends That Could Threaten Your Contact Center Security

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CCW Digital
CCW Digital

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In the face of rapid technological changes, including the sudden emergence of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), contact centers are quickly evolving. And the security measures they use to safeguard their customers, employees and company need to keep up. 

The costs of poor security are high: a tarnished reputation, loss of consumer trust and confidence, potential lawsuits, and deteriorating bottom lines. Technology moves so fast that companies that fail to adapt with the right security solutions will be left behind. 

Some contact centers have responded by migrating their operations to the cloud — a secure option when working with the right vendor. But even as cloud-based ecosystems become more prevalent and sophisticated, companies must remain vigilant to ensure stringent security standards are maintained. 

By analyzing some of the larger forces at work — “megatrends” that shape the security landscape for years, if not decades — we learn that moving to the cloud not only guarantees the security of data better than on-premises systems, but the cloud also places contact centers in a perfect position to capitalize on emerging trends and maximize their success

Download this report to learn more about:

  • How generative AI is changing the CX game
  • Why consumers are demanding more control over their data
  • When data can pose a security threat
  • How the cloud is becoming the baseline for better security