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From the Editor's Desk: 2010 CCSI Case Study Revealed

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Gina Scanlon
Gina Scanlon

2010's Call Center Satisfaction Index results are out, and the three factors that stuck out in this year's report concerning the rise in customer satisfaction by two points (from 74 to 76) are as follows:

1. IVR as a tool to handle the caller's problem

With a customer service index score of 61, the lowest of the three improvement factors, IVR remains a frustrating format for its users. Nearly half (45%) of those surveyed claim they "immediately bypass" automated function altogether in order to reach a live rep. This has risen by 3% since last year.

Though IVR produces low service scores, it also has the least amount of impact on overall CCSI.

2. An improvement in the overall process

The process, by comparison, is more than three times likely to make an impact on call center satisfaction, with a service index score of 78. Consumers are generally pleased with the hours of operations call centers are available (84) but dissatisfied by the average handle time an agent takes to resolve their problem (71) and the "lack of consistency of the information they receive through the call center (68)."


3. The CSR who handles the call

Though the process scores are far from impression, the score for the actual CSR is higher at 83. From these results, it appears that the problem has less to do with the individual agent and more with the overall process of the call.

The outsourcing issue

Another issue CCSI 2010 concentrates heavily on is offshore vs. onshore agents. Satisfaction also varies, according to this year’s index, depending on whether the contact center lies offshore or in the U.S. CCSI’s score for U.S based contact centers is 79 vs. a low 58 for outsourced centers. Miscommunication is the main factor, which results in unresolved problems and built up customer frustration. Scores for offshore agents in the empathy and courtesy categories, however, were only slightly below U.S. agent scores.

2010's Call Center Satisfaction Index is provided by CFI Group.