Special Report: RPA Facts, Fiction, Opportunities
Add bookmarkWhen it comes to the customer experience, automation technology is not doing all that it can do. More importantly, it is not doing what it should do.
The issue is not a lack of attention. Automation is one the top contact center investment categories; it is on everyone's radar. The problem, instead, stems from the fact that we're having the wrong conversations about automation. We focus on superficial cliches ("automation is for simple tasks, humans are for complex work") rather than truly considering the most valuable automation opportunities.
This report changes the conversation. It begins by discussing common automation myths and mistakes, before detailing RPA use cases that will generate meaningful ROI. Key topics include:
- 7 automation mistakes most contact centers are making
- Differences between unattended, attended and cognitive automation
- 5 tips for using automation to elevate customer and agent experiences
- Metrics for assessing the "return on automation" of your contact center technology
- Ways automation is impacting outsourcing strategy