President Of Adidas Golf Talking Digital Transformation At Next CCW Digital Online Event
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A study reported by the WSJ, consisting of CEOs and senior executive participants, found that digital transformation (DT) risk was the #1 concern in 2019, among other imperative topics like cyber threats and office culture.
Read More: Why Digital Transformation Fails: The Answer May Surprise You
Yet, as you’ll see in our upcoming market study and online event covering The State of Contact Center Technology, the majority of all DT initiatives do not reach their goals.
But what exactly is digital transformation and why does it fail?
Many industry pundits and self-declared experts like to banter about the broad subject of DT, but the concept boils down to the key idea that R&D and digital technology (computers, networks, data, embedded systems, applications, CRMs, etc.) leads companies to transform the way they work to take advantage of the more efficient and advanced ways of providing a service.
Simply put, DT is the aftermath of applying digital technology, perspectives, and methods to traditional pain points.
The MIT Center for Digital Business and Capgemini Consulting conducted a joint study on corporate transformation practices concluding that less than a third of surveyed companies have an effective digital transformation strategy. While everyone and their in-laws are investing in DT, few are seeing ROI, or more specifically, ROX (the monetary, convertible number, “return on experience”).
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As I mentioned in a recent CCW Digital article, an alarming percentage of CEOs and executives are tying digital transformation to sustainability over revenue, which is the leading cause in DT failures.
“In other words, (particularly in the contact center), we would rather tread water, continuously investing in standard operational and traditional IT services (i.e. new phones) as we slowly drown – rather than R&D-driven products and business practices (like a new customer relationship management system, social media marketing campaign, chatbot software, or cloud computing software), directly tied to revenue.”
It’s not enough to say “digital transformation is inevitable,” and then play defense. For digital transformation to succeed, we need to be able to take educated risks that put us in a competitive position to stand out. And you’ll witness this at our next online event, The State of Contact Center Technology with guest speaker and President of Adidas golf, Jeff Lienhart.
As you’ll see at our digital transformation session at the online event, taking place March 3rd/4th, Jeff will be addressing some of the strategic discrepancies in corporate digital transformation initiatives, give you a look inside Adidas golf DT tactics, and provide key insights on product development, personalized marketing, and more.
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